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A Practice as Research Project on how to become 'watchers' of the World Wide Web instead of 'users'. This work exposes our habits as distracted users of the internet.

Proyecto de investigación práctica sobre cómo convertirse en 'observadores' de Internet en lugar de 'usuarios'. El trabajo expone los hábitos que tenemos como usuarios distraidos de internet.

Created at Royal Central School of Speech & Drama

Presented at Brink Festival 2017: Accurate Errors

J.Eva Collins Alonso

Mentor: Lior Lerman

Fragment work:

"Gogoozle is a hybrid term that derives from the words:

   - Bamboozle: to be tricked or deceive

   - Gongoozle: to watch the passage of boats

The word Gongoozle is important in the sense that it makes direct reference to the act of watching as an activity in itself. Whilst bamboozle alludes to the fact something is being hidden and one cannot see the full picture. The choice of using bamboozle is a direct reference fact that, within online usage, there are different types of information. Users are engaged in a specific manufacturing process and this is a process which Google does not expect (or want) its users to understand. Users produce data for Google, yet the data that Google accumulates is rarely (to not say ever!) the data the users consume. Gogoozle, therefore, means to actively watch the relationship between the information users produce and the information users consume. The aim of Gogoozling is to look close enough and to spoil the trick."

- J.Eva Collins Alonso


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